FuzzBox Zigbee APS Test Suite Data Sheet
Test Suite:
FuzzBox Zigbee APS Test Suite
Typically Test Suite is a end device and test target is a coordinator.

Zigbee protocol is the Connectivity Standards Alliance (formerly known as Zigbee Alliance) defined full-stack solution for wireless personal area networks (WPAN). The Zigbee stack architecture is made up of a set of blocks called layers. Each layer performs a specific set of services for the layer above. The FuzzBox Zigbee APS Test Suite is a Defensics test suite designed for testing Application Support Sublayer (APS) of the Zigbee protocol stack.

Used specifications

Zigbee Specification r22 1.0

The Zigbee Specification describes the infrastructure and services available to applications operating on the Zigbee platform.

Zigbee Base Device Behavior Specification 1.0

This specification defines the base device behavior specification for devices operating on the ZigBee-PRO stack, ensuring profile interoperability between application profiles.

Zigbee Cluster Library Specification Revision 7

This document defines the Zigbee Cluster Library..

IEEE Std 802.15.4-2020

IEEE Standard for Low Rate Wireless Networks

Tool-specific information

Tested frame types
Zigbee Specification r22
Ack frame
Zigbee Specification r22
Command frame
Zigbee Specification r22
Data frame

Tested messages
Zigbee Specification r22
Zigbee Specification r22
Plain and encrypted data.
Zigbee Specification r22
Plain and encrypted command.
ZCL Data
Zigbee Specification r22
ZCL data message.
ZDP Request
Zigbee Specification r22
ZDP Request message.
ZDP Response
Zigbee Specification r22
ZDP Response message.
Node Description request
Zigbee Specification r22
Node description request.
Active Endpoint Request
Zigbee Specification r22
Active endpoint request.
Simple Description Request
Zigbee Specification r22
Simple description request.
Test tool general features
  • Fully automated black-box negative testing
  • Ready-made test cases
  • Written in Java(tm)
  • GUI command line remote interface modes
  • Instrumentation (health-check) capability
  • Support and maintenance
  • Comprehensive user documentation
  • Results reporting and analysis